Case named dean of arts and sciences at Manchester
Judd Case will serve as the new dean of arts and sciences at Manchester University beginning Aug. 19.
In this role, he provides leadership in the natural sciences and the colleges of the arts and humanities, and education and social sciences.
“Manchester is a place of peace and growth, an opportunity to encounter a beautiful diversity of people, ideas, skills, and worldviews,” Case said. “We are transforming our communities one person, class, and graduate at a time. We’re eager for you to join us.”
Case joined the Manchester faculty in 2007. He earned his bachelor’s degree in communication and his master’s degree in mass communication from Brigham Young University. He earned his doctorate in communication studies with an emphasis in media studies from the University of Iowa.
His scholarship includes archival work in media history and theoretical interpretations of pop culture artifacts. He has presented to the International Communication Association, National Communication Association and Popular Culture Association.
The North Manchester resident teaches courses in media literacy, digital storytelling, communication theory, professional communication and human communication. He has been instrumental in developing Manchester’s digital media arts program and is the founder of Spartan Stream, the student-run streaming and podcasting service.
He is an avid chess player and a member of the University’s rock band, The Otho Winger Experience. Judd is married to Joanne Case and is the father of Gabriel Case.
“Judd brings a range of administrative experience to his new role. He has served as chair of the Department of Communication Studies since 2011 and he has chaired the Undergraduate Promotion and Tenure Committee. He also has served on the Values, Ideas and the Arts Committee, the Independent Colleges of Indiana Leadership Council, the Institutional Vitality Initiative Academic Programs Task Force, and the Governance Restructuring Committee,” said Celia Cook-Huffman, vice president for academic affairs, in making the announcement to faculty and staff.
For the media
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Manchester University, with campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Ind., provides vibrant and transformative student experiences. Learn more at
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Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.
July 2020